KSAT 12 News and the Alamo City Golf Trail

Number of golfers rising during pandemic as more kids, families taking an interest Alamo City Golf Trail seeing boom that will help finance local projects Max Massey, Reporter/AnchorAzian Bermea, Photojournalist SAN ANTONIO – Over the past year golf has become more and more popular and that influx of players is not slowing down. Since the COVID-19…

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Frost Delays: 5 Things Every Golfer Should Know

It’s a frosty time of year across much of the country, so be prepared for delays.  While much of the U.S. deals with winter’s brunt, golfers in the Sun Belt and other mild parts of the country are still playing away. However, cool, crisp mornings bring the risk of frost delays. At some golf courses…

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Amateur Tour Series

The ACGT Amateur Tour Series is a fun and competitive year long golf series in San Antonio played on The Alamo City Golf Trail. The Tour is for golfers of all ability levels and age groups. Each event is flighted and handicapped to insure an equitable playing field. Each golfer receives his/her own individual handicap,…

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Topdressing and Quality Greens

After sand topdressing is applied, it is common to hear reactions like, “The putting greens were perfect, why did the superintendent need to apply sand to them?” Remember, although some agronomic practices such as topdressing can temporarily impact playability, they are implemented for a reason – to produce the best possible putting surfaces.   Topdressing…

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Why Do Golf Courses Aerate So Much?

The word aeration stimulates negative emotions for many golfers. It may come as a surprise, but golf course superintendents also dislike aeration. After all, the last person who wants to disrupt the smoothness of the putting greens they work so hard to maintain is the superintendent. Golfers often ask, “Why is aeration needed so often?”…

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